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Friday, April 27, 2012

4/30 & 5/1

Heart dis and cancer notes and computer animations.

1. Assn Heart disease or cancer study guides. (20 mins)

2. Find someone who did opposite disease as you and share answers. Do not just copy, you may be copying incorrect answers. (20 mins)

A. Definition Heart Disease:
A Group of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels.
B. Causes:

-High fat diet, smoking, heredity, not exercising, stress,

-High fat diet: High blood cholesterol must go somewhere; either fat banks or arteries.
-Heredity: How fat reacts in a persons body is largely determined by genetics.
-Lack of Exercise: Not burning fat or strengthening Heart.
-Smoking: Sticky arterial walls. Narrows arteries, raises blood cholesterol.
C. How HD is spread:
-Heart Disease is a noncommunicable disease.

D. Risk factors (who is at risk for getting this):
Eating a High fat diet, smoking, not exercising, heredity, leading a stressful lifestyle.

E. Atherosclerosis: (be sure to include symptoms)
A build up of fatty deposits on the inside of artery walls. Fat slowly builds up because of the risk factors.

F. What are some different types of Heart Disease?
1. High blood pressure (hypertension)
2. Atherosclerosis: Fat on artery walls.
3. Arteriosclerosis: Hardening of the arteries.
4. Rheumatic Heart Disease: Sometimes follows strep throat and can damage valves of the heart.

G. Treatments (at least 3):
1. Angioplasty: balloon in blocked artery and inflated to open artery.
2. By-pass surgery: Going around the blockage with a blood vessel taken out of the leg.
3. Medication and drugs to dissolve the clot.
4. Heart transplant
5. Pacemakers. and exercise: can be prescribed to prevent heart disease.

H. Prevention:
Do not smoke, eat a low fat diet, exercise regularly, manage stress.
Explain and show: Angioplasy (heartcenteronline)
Explain and show bypass surgery (30cm incision) (heartcenteronline)
Show heart transplant online (


I. Definition of Cancer:
Uncontrolled cell growth.

J. Causes:
Exposure to Sun, tobacco, high fat diet, radiation, chemicals/materials such as pesticides and asbestos, heredity, stress.

K. How is it spread from person to person:
L. Risk factors (who is at risk for getting this):
People who do not use sunscreen, people who use tobacco, eating a high fat diet, being exposed to radiation, chemicals/materials such as pesticides and asbestos, heredity, stress.

M. Carcinogens:
Anything that causes cancer.

N. Asbestos:
A nonburnable material used in construction that can cause cancer when inhaled.
O. Treatment (at least 3):
1. Chemotherapy: drugs used to kill cancer cells.
2.radiation: x-rays used to stop and or kill cancer cells. remove the cancer before it spreads.

P. Prevention
Eat a High fiber/low fat diet, do not smoke or use tobacco, use sunscreen, reduce stress, stay away from chemicals and high doses of radiation.

Q. Warning Signs (symptoms):
C.A.U.T.I.O.N. Change in bowel, bladder habits, A sore that will not heal, Unusual bleeding, Thickening or lum, Indigestion or difficulty swallowing, Obviou changes in wart or moles, Nagging cough.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

4/26 & 4/27

1. STI intro and activity. 2. STI worksheet.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

4/20 & 4/23

1. Finish p478 reading questions. 2. Correct reading questions for pages 478-486 508-509 Turn-in For Assn # 2 25pts poss. 3. Give notes for how diseases can be spread. PPT There is a note taking guide printed; one side is notes on spread of diseases and other side is Mono reading guide. (Assn #3) If you miss this assignment: List 7 ways diseases are spread AND info on Mononucleosis. Include symptoms, how it is spread, how it is treated, and who it affects. 4. Reading CH 9/05 on Mononucleosis; finding Spread, Symptoms, Treatment, and Causes. Students are to present 1 fact. 5. Discuss Mono article.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

4/18 & 4/19

1. 10 minutes to finish Wellness triangles.
2. Reading 478-483 textbook on Diseases.
3. Worksheet on above pages.

Monday, April 16, 2012

4/16 & 4/17

1. Introduction to Health Class.
2.Class procedures and expectations
3. Reading in the textbook on wellness.
4. Assn #1 Create a Wellness Triangle.
Divide paper into 3 areas and label: Phys. Mental. Social
Write a goal for each area.
Draw the goal
Color the triangle.

Assn #1 worth 20 pts.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

4/6 & 4/9

Winding down to the end of the quarter and soon it is back to PE.

1. We will discuss online safety answers from the worksheet. Are you safe?
2. Begin a quick section on First Aid.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

4/4 & 4/5

1. Harassment and Bullying
2. Worksheet and noteguide.
3. Video on cliques and how they affect bullying.
4. Online safety information.